Our Merchandise

Nidi d'Arac merchandise corner ...

*Ad ogni ordine verranno aggiunti  € 6 di spedizione per l'Italia oppure € 8 per spedizioni oltre confine. Il prezzo indicato si intende per pezzo singolo.
una volta effettuato l'ordine, l'aquisto verrà definito solo dopo essere stati contattati dal nostro Ufficio Vendite.
Si richiede pertanto di inserire un indizzo e-mail valido.

Ordering, Delivery & Pricing for orders coming from abroad:

Please note that all prices are in Euros. If you are ordering from outside Europe or from the UK  we will convert the amount into your local currency. For advice on exchange rates you can use a website like www.xe.com .

Shipping charges are normally 8 Euros within Europe. Shipping charges for the rest of the World are calculated after you have entered the country for delivery.
You may use PAYPAL for your online purchases.
We cannot accept money orders, cheques or postal orders.
Questions or concerns? This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Your order will be processed  by our Customer Service who will contact you before shipping. Please make sure you enter a valid e-mail address.


frontretro borzoko pintrans
Shirt - 15 € *

My order for
Nr (*)
Please tell us.
Size (*)
Please tell us.
Color (*)
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Address (*)
Please fill.

Bag - 5 € *

My order for
Nr (*)
Please tell us.
Color (*)
Please tell us.
Name (*)
Please let us know your name.
Email (*)
Please let us know your email address.
Address (*)
Please fill.

Pins - 1 € *

My order for
Nr (*)
Please tell us.
Color (*)
Please tell us.
Name (*)
Please let us know your name.
Email (*)
Please let us know your email address.
Address (*)
Please fill.

Physical Cd order:


storetarantaok storesalentodigi storeroccok


15 € *

15 € *

15 € *

15 € *

My order for
Taranta Container
Nr. (*)
Please tell us.
Name (*)
Please let us know your name.
Email (*)
Please let us know your email address.
Address (*)
Please fill.

My order for
Salento senza tempo
Nr (*)
Please tell us.
Name (*)
Please let us know your name.
Email (*)
Please let us know your email address.
Address (*)
Please fill.

My order for
St. Rocco's rave
Nr (*)
Please tell us.
Name (*)
Please let us know your name.
Email (*)
Please let us know your email address.
Address (*)
Please fill.

My order for
Nidi d'Arac Volume 1
Nr (*)
Please tell us.
Name (*)
Please let us know your name.
Email (*)
Please let us know your email address.
Address (*)
Please fill.






15 € *

15 € *

15 € *


My order for
Nr (*)
Please tell us.
Name (*)
Please let us know your name.
Email (*)
Please let us know your email address.
Address (*)
Please fill.

My order for
Nr (*)
Please tell us.
Name (*)
Please let us know your name.
Email (*)
Please let us know your email address.
Address (*)
Please fill.

My order for
Ronde Noe
Nr (*)
Please tell us.
Name (*)
Please let us know your name.
Email (*)
Please let us know your email address.
Address (*)
Please fill.